31 Ocak 2012 Salı

About Gamze Güngörmüş Kona

Master Thesis and Supervisor  : Batı ile Osmanlı-Türk Toplumlarındaki Sekülerleşmenin Karşılaştırılması (The Comparison of Secularism Between The West and Ottoman-Turkish Societies) Thesis Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Esat Çam
Doctoral Thesis and Supervisor : Cooperation Strategy Models For the Central Asian Region and Future Scenarios on Turkey / Thesis Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Cengiz Okman
International Projects Participated :
1. “Balkan 2000 : Human Spatiality and Geohistory – Remapping the Europe Between At The Turn Of  The Millenium”, Political History Department - Turku University- Finland (1997-1998).
2. "The Ways to Increase Women Participation in Local Governance Before 2014 Local Elections in Turkey with in "International Training Programme on Local Democracy and Sustainable Development With Gender Perspective", organized by Swedish International Center For Local Democracy", Sweden and Ukraine (July 2013-November 2014)
Membership in International Academic/Scientific Associations 
Harvard University – Central Eurasia Studies Society-Member
International Workshops Attended :
1. KONA, Gamze (2006). The International Workshop on : “Comprehensive and Integrated Public Support Systems For SMEs – A Central Factor of Development Policy. (The Certificate Awarded By) Center For International Cooperation – Ministry of Foreign Affairs – State of Israel, 06-30 March, 2006, Beer-Sheva-Israel. The course included 80 hours of lectures, 20 hours of workshops, 36 hours of guided group work on final projects, professional study visits to 15 relevant organizations, 3 days of historical tours and presentation of final projects.
2. KONA, Gamze (2007). The International Workshop on : “The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the 21st Century”. Hebrew University of Jerusalem International Center For Jewish Civilization and Begin Sadat Center For Strategic Research, 13-21 June, 2007, Jerusalem-Israel.
International References:
1. Iran - Sharif University of Technology (www.sharif.ir) (www.sharif.ir/~maleki/)
2. Harvard University – CESS – Central Eurasia Studies World Wide   (www.cesww.fas.harvard.edu)
3. University of El Salvador (Buenos Aires), Journal Libre de Estudios Orientales, (www.transoxiana.org) (www.transoxiana.org/0107/review-kona.html)
Papers published in Peer-Reviewed Journals (International) :
1.KONA, Gamze, “Economic Panorama of Iraq Following the Second U.S. Operation and U.S. Economic Plans in Iraq”, Kırgızistan İktisat ve Girişimcilik Üniversitesi, Akademik Bakış Sosyal Bilimler e-dergi (Academic Outlook Social Sciences Peer Reviewed e-journal, no. 10 (2006). www.akademikbakis.com
2. KONA, Gamze (2000). “Türkiye-Rusya Federasyonu-Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri Ekonomik İlişkileri” (“Economic Relations Between Russian Federation-Turkey and The Central Asian Republics”), pp. 83-94, in İşletme ve Finans Hakemli Dergi (Management and Finance Peer Reviewed e-journal, June 2000, ISSN 1300-610X, Ankara 
3. KONA, Gamze (1999). “Ekonomide Yeni Bir Potansiyel : Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri” (“A New Economic Potential : The Central Asian Republics”), pp.83-94, in İşletme ve Finans Hakemli Dergi, February 1999, no.155, ISSN 1300-610-X, Ankara
Papers published in Proceedings Book (International) :
1. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2008). “Turkish-American Relations : Destined To Eternal Continuity”. The paper presented at the International Symposium on Democratization, Globalization and Turkey, Akdeniz University, 27-30 March 2008, Antalya.
2. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2007). “Orta Doğu Merkezli Radikal Örgütler ve Türkiye’ye Etkileri” (“Radical Organizations in the Middle East and Impact on Turkey”), 38. ICANAS Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi (The paper presented and published in 38th ICANAS International Asia and North Africa Congress), 10-15 September 2007, Ankara.
3. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Political Islam in Turkey”. The paper presented at the International conference on ‘Political Islam in the Middle East’. Israel - Ben Gurion University – The Chaim Herzog Center. 29 Mart 2006, Beer Sheva- Israil.
4. KONA, Gamze and Zeynep Özonur (2006). “EU Borders and the Problem of Enlargement”. The paper presented at the International Symposium on the Changes and Transformations In The Socio-economic and Political Structure of Turkey Within the EU Negotiations, organized by Stiftung Zentrum Für Türkeisstudien – Universitat Essen Duisburg and Dumlupınar University, March 16-18, 2006, Kutahya.
5. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Azerbaycan’ın Petrol Rezervleri Açısından Arz Ettiği Önemin Hazar Havzası Bağlamında İfadesi” (“The Importance of Azerbaijani Oil In Regard To the Caspian Sea Region”). The paper presented at “International Peoples Conference III”, organized by Azerbaijan National Sciences Academy, 4 October 2005, Baku-Azerbaijan.
6. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Strategic Importance of Cyprus in regard to the East and West”. The paper presented at the 5th International Finnish Colloqium of South East Institute of Finland, organized by Finland South East Institute and International Cyprus Near East University, October 1-3, 2004, Nicosia-Cyprus.
7. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Kyrgzistan Following the Disintegration of the Soviet Union : Problems”. The paper presented in the “International Social Sciences Congress”, organized by Kommersiyalık Institute – Faculty of Management (Krygzistan) and Sakarya University Institute of Social Sciences, pp. 245-253, 05-09 June 2005, Celalabad
8. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Türkiye ve Azerbaycan Cumhuriyetleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Geliştirilmesinde Folklorik Unsurların Gücü ve Önemi” (“The Importance of Folkloric Factors in the Improvement of Turkish-Azeri Relations”). The paper presented at “International Peoples Conference II”, organized by Azerbaijan Nanional Sciences Academy, pp. 197-212, March 18, 2004, Baku-Azerbaijan.
Papers Presented/Speeches Delivered in International Meetings (International):
1. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2012). The International Workshop on "Kurdish Diaspora in Europe". ATİB (Turkish-Islamic Cultural Associations in Europe, 26-27 May 2012, Köln-Germany
2. KONA, Gamze (2011). “The Invisible Enclave : Northern Cyprus”, Ekopolitik (Foundation for Economic and Social Researches), 28 June 2011, Kyrenia-Northern Cyprus
3. KONA, Gamze (2011). “Iraqi Workshop on Kurdish Problem”, Ekopolitik (Foundation for Economic and Social Researches), 28-29 Mayıs 2011, Arbil-Northern Iraq.
4. KONA, Gamze (2008). “Economic Panorama of Iraq and Its Probable Future”, Mousul Council and Adam Social Sciences Center, 28-29 February 2008, İstanbul-Turkey.
5. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Turkey’s Way to Europe”, Seminar on “New Challenges for Georgia”, Tbilisi School of Political Studies, 08-10 December 2006, Bakuriani-Georgia.
6. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Turkey in the Middle East and Central Asia”, Round Table Meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs State of Slovenia. 11 May 2006, Ljubljana-Slovenia.
7. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Turkish Foreign Policy in Regard to the New Developments”, Ljublijana University - Faculty of Social Sciences. 12 May 2006, Ljubljana-Slovenia.
8. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Shanghai Cooperation Organization-Collective Security Treaty Organization / Capabilities in Dealing with the Central Asian Security Issues and Perspectives of Enlargement”, the Paper presented at the international conference on ‘Central Asian Security, Regional Organizations and the Role of Turkey’, organized by Bogazici University-Tusiad Foreign Policy Forum in association with the NATO-OTAN Public Policy Division. 09-10 May 2006, İstanbul.
9. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Turkey and Israel – Destined to Eternal Neighborhood”. Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Truman Institute. March 30, 2006, Jerusalem – Israel.
10. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Turkish – Israeli Relatıons – Ups and Downs”. The Paper presented in the International Symposium on ‘Ten Years to the Trade Agreement between Turkey and Israel’, organized by Davis Institute and Ministry of Foreign Affairs – State of Israel, March 06, 2006, Jerusalem – Israel.
11. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Turkish Foreign Policy under AKP Government”. Bar Ilan University – Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Research, March 05, 2006, Ramat Gan – Israel.
12. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Current Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy”. International Cyprus University, 15 December 2005, Nicosia-Cyprus.
13. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Revolutions in the Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan”, The Conference at Kazakhstan Abay State University, April 18, 2005, Almatı-Kazakhstan.
Chapter Published in International Book :
KONA, Gamze (1999). “Mustanmeren alueen talousyhteistyö ja Turkki” (“Regionalization and Turkey”), pp. 117-138, in Nkökulmıa Ja Tausoja Kaakois – Euroopan Nykytilanteelle (Balkan 2000 Project), Turku University – Department of Political History Press 17, 1999, Turku – Finland. ISBN 952-29-1414-X
Report Published (International) :
1. KONA, Gamze (2004). International Symposium II “Conflicting Regions and The Impact on Turkey”, Genelkurmay Sarem Başkanlığı (Turkish General Staff - Center For Strategic Research), “Asia” Second Session, May 27-28, 2004, İstanbul.
Articles Published in International Magazines :
1. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2008). “The External and Internal Factors Which Strengthen Radical Islam in Central Asia”, The Eurasia Critic-Monthly Magazine on Eurasian Politics, UK, 22-26 (August 2008).
2. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2008), “Reasons Behind Turkish New Interest in Central Asia”, The Eurasia Critic-Monthly Magazine on Eurasian Politics, UK, 50-54 (June 2008).
Published National Books :
1. Türkiye-Orta Asya İşbirliği Strateji Modelleri ve Gelecek Senaryoları (Cooperation Strategy Models For the Central Asian Region and Future Scenarios on Turkey), published by IQ Press, 2002, İstanbul-Turkey. ISBN 975 –6618 -41 – 8
2. Kona, Gamze, Batı’da Aydınlanma Doğu’da Batılılaşma (Enlightenment in the West and Westernization in the East), Yansıma Press, 1997, Ankara-Turkey. ISBN 975 94874 –4–6
Edited National Books :
1. Editor of the Book : ABD’nin Irak Operasyonunun Türk Basınından İki Yazar Tarafından Algılanış Biçimi (Perceptions of Two Turkish Writers on Iraqi Operation of the U.S.), Okumuş Adam Press, 2005, İstanbul-Turkey. ISBN 975-8513-74-5
2. Editor of the Book: Uluslararası Çatışma Alanları ve Türkiye’nin Güvenliği (International Conflict Areas and Turkish National Security), Okumuş Adam Press, 2005, İstanbul-Turkey. ISBN  975-8513-73-7
3. Editor of the Book: Orta Doğu – Orta Asya ve Kesişen Yollar (The Middle East: Extention of Central Asia, IQ Press, 2003, İstanbul-Turkey. ISBN 975 – 6618 – 92 – 2, İstanbul, 2003
Chapters in National Books :
1. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2008). “2000-2008 Dönemi Türkiye’nin Güvenlik Politikaları” (“Security Policies of Turkey between 2000-2008”) (in Turkish Foreign Policy, Ed. Prof.Dr. Haydar Çakmak), Platin Yayınları, ISBN 978-9944-137-25-6, Ankara.
2. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2008). “Üçlü Koalisyon Dönemi Türk Dış Politikası” (“Turkish Foreign Policy during coalition governments”) (in Turkish Foreign Policy, Ed. Prof.Dr.Haydar Çakmak), Platin Yayınları, ISBN 978-9944-137-25-6, Ankara.
3. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2004). “Strategic Perception Deficit of Turkish Decision-makers and Turkish Foreign Policy” (“Türkiye’nin Stratejik Öngörü Yetersizliği ve Türk Dış Politikası”), pp. 59-82, in Uluslararası Güvenlik Sorunları (International Security Matters), (Eds. Kamer Kasım ve Zerrin Bakan). Avrasya Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Press (ASAM) (Eurasian Center for Strategic Research), ISBN 975-6362-02-2, Ankara.
4. KONA, Gamze Güngörmüş (2003). “Orta Asya Bölgesi ve Türkiye’nin Bölgedeki Rolü” (“The Central Asian Region and the Role of Turkey in the Region”), pp. 275-311, in 2002 Stratejik Dosyalar (2002 Strategic Files) (Ed. Emin Demirel), IQ Kültür Sanat Press, ISBN 975-6618-49-3, İstanbul.
Articles Published in Peer-reviewed National Journals :
1. KONA, Gamze (2007). “Kerkük ve Rusya Federasyonu” (“Kirkuk and the Russian Federation”), pp.187-201, in Global Strateji (Global Strategy Journal), Spring 2007, no.9, Ankara.
2. KONA, Gamze (2006). “The Social, Political and Economic Problems Central Asian Republics Face and The Role of Turkey in The Central Asian Region”, pp.175-216, in Turkish Rewiev of Eurasian Studies Hakemli Dergi, Annual 2006-6, İstanbul.
3. KONA, Gamze (2006). “ABD Müdahale Mantığının Temelleri ve Irak’ın Güvensizliği” (“The Reasons of U.S. Intervention Policy and Uncertainty in Iraq”), pp. 61-75, in Stratejik Öngörü Hakemli Dergi (Strategic Perception Journal), January 2006, vol.7, ISSN 1304-768X, İstanbul.
4. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Yeni Irak, Yeni Orta Doğu ve Türk Dış Poşitikası” (“Newly-emerged Iraq, Newly-emerged Middle East and Turkish Foreign Policy”), pp.125-138, in Stratejik Öngörü Hakemli Dergi, May 2005, vol.5, ISSN 1304-768X, İstanbul.
5. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Central Asia and Turkish Foreign Policy”, pp.79-136, in Turkish Rewiev of Eurasian Studies Hakemli Dergi, Annual 2005-5, İstanbul.
6. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Security Concerns of Turkey – Cold War and Post Cold War Periods”, pp. 207-254, in Turkish Rewiev of Eurasian Studies Hakemli Dergi, Annual 2004-4, İstanbul.
7. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Orta Doğu’da Güvenlik Algılaması ve Dahili Risk Faktörlerinin Etkisi” (“Security Perception in The Middle East and The Impact of Domestic Risk Factors”), pp. 113-138, in Antalya Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF Hakemli Dergi (Akdeniz University Journal), November 2004, vol.4, no.8. ISSN 1302-9975, Antalya.
8. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Olası Kriz Bölgeleri ve Türkiye’nin Güvenliğine Olası Etkileri” (“Probable Crisis Regions and Its Impact on Turkish Security Policy”), pp.65-75, in Jeopolitik Hakemli Dergi (Jeopolitik Journal), Winter 2004, no.12. ISSN 1303-4626, İstanbul.
9. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Rusya Federasyonu’nun Kafkasya Politikası”, (“Russian Foreign Policy on Caucasia”), pp.97-115, in Jeopolitik Hakemli Dergi (Jeopolitik Journal), Summer 2004, no.11. ISSN 1303-4626, İstanbul.
10. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Orta Doğu Petrolü ve Büyük Güçler” (“The Middle East Oil and The Great Powers”), pp.77-86, in Jeopolitik Hakemli Dergi (Jeopolitik Journal), Spring 2004, no.10. ISSN 1303-4626, İstanbul.
11. KONA, Gamze (2003). “Turkey And The Central Asian Republics: Strategy Models  – Part I”, July 2003, Stradigma academic e-journal, Ankara. www.stradigma.com.tr
12. KONA, Gamze (2003). “Turkey And The Central Asian Republics: Future Scenarios - Part II”, August 2003, Stradigma  academic e-journal, Ankara. www.stradigma.com.tr
13. KONA, Gamze (2003). “The BSECO and Turkey”, pp.39-54, in Kocaeli Üniversitesi İİBF Hakemli Dergi (Kocaeli University Journal), 2003/1, ISSN 1302-6658, Kocaeli.
14.KONA, Gamze (2001). “Türkistan’da Siyasi ve Ekonomik Güç Mücadelesi ve Türkiye” (“Political and Economic Power Rivalry in Central Asia”), pp.177-190, in Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, no. 133, August 2001, ISSN 0255-0644, İstanbul.
Papers Presented But Not Published in Proceedings Book (National):
1. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Rusya’nın Kafkasya politikası” (“Caucasus Policy of Russian Federation” , Global Strateji Enstitüsü (Global Strategy Institute). 16 June 2006, Ankara.
2. KONA, Gamze (2006). ”Yeni Dengeler ve Türkiye” (“The New Challenges and Turkey”), Güven Hareketi Temiz Siyaset Paneli-6- (Güven Movement-Policy Panels-6-). April 13, 2006, İstanbul.
3. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Terörün Çeşitleri ve Terör Örgütleri” (“Varieties of Terror and Terrorist Organizations”). The lecture given at Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Terör Okulu (Bahçeşehir University – Center for Strategic Research -.Terror Institute) October 8, 2005, İstanbul.
4. KONA, Gamze (2005). “ABD’nin Irak’tan Çıkış Senaryoları Karşısında Türkiye’nin Geliştirmesi Gereken Stratejiler”, The Paper presented at the symposium “ABD’nin Irak’tan Çıkış Senaryoları, Bölgeye Olası Etkileri ve Türkiye’nin Alması Gereken Tedbirler” (“Scenarios on U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq”), organized by HAK Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü (Turkish Academies of War Command - Strategic Studies Institute), June 15-16, 2005, İstanbul.
5. KONA, Gamze (2004). “Rusya Federasyonu’nun Kafkasya Politikası” (“Russian Policy in Caucasus”). The paper presented at the symposium, organized by Atase - Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi (Turkish General Staff – Center For Strategic Studies), April 14, 2004, Ankara.
6. KONA, Gamze (2005). “Rusya ve Kafkasya” (“Russian Federation and the Caucasus”). The paper presented at the symposium “A general Overview on South Caucasia”, organized by HAK Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü (Turkish War Academies Command - Strategic Studies Institute), January 26-27, 2005, İstanbul.
7. KONA, Gamze (2003). “Stratejik Öngörü Yetersizliği ve Nedenleri” (“The Reasons of Strategic Thinking Defects in Turkish Foreign Policy”). The Paper presented at Avrasya Bir Vakfı (Avrasya Bir Foundation), June 2003, Küçükçekmece-İstanbul.
Selected Articles in National Journals:
1.KONA, Gamze (2006). “Orta Doğu’da Radikal Akımlar ve Güvenlik” (“Radical Movements in the Middle East”), Karizma Dergisi (Karizma Journal), sayı 28, 23-28, İstanbul.
2. KONA, Gamze (2006). “Orta Doğu ve İsrail’in Su Politikası” (“The Middle East and Water Politics of Israel”), in Karizma Dergisi (Karizma Journal), July-August-September 2006, İstanbul.
3. KONA, Gamze (2006). “İran ve Amerika ve Avrupa Birliği ve Diğerleri” (“Iran and the U.S. and the EU and the Others”), in Karizma Dergisi (Karizma Journal), April-June-July  2006, İstanbul.
4.KONA, Gamze (2005). “Yeni Orta Asya Stratejik Dengeleri Bağlamında Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti” (“Peoples Republic of China – Under The Light of the New Strategic Balance of the Central Asian Region”), in Karizma Dergisi (Karizma Journal), January-February-March 2005, İstanbul.
5.KONA, Gamze, “Orta Doğu Coğrafyasının Türkiye’nin Güvenliğine Olası Etkileri ve Geliştirilmesi Gereken Stratejiler (“The Probable Effects of the Middle East Geography on Turkey and The Strategies to be Developed”), Asya Avrupa Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, sayı 2, 60-76 (2005).
6.KONA, Gamze (2003). “Orta Doğu’nun Yeni Sınırları” (“The New Borders of the Middle East”), in Tüsiad Görüş Dergisi (Tusiad Journal), March-April 2003, no. 54, pp.16-25, İstanbul.
7. KONA, Gamze (2003). “Kronik Türk – Amerikan Krizleri” (“Established Turkish – US Crisis”), Varlık Journal, 04 / 2003, pp.18-22, İstanbul.
8.KONA, Gamze (2004). “Türkiye-Azerbaycan İlişkileri: Büyük Umutlar-Talihsiz Gelişmeler ve Yapılması Gerekenler” (“Turkish-Azeri Relations : Great Hopes, Unfortunate Developments and The Necessities”), in Panorama e-journal, February 2004, Ankara. (www.panoramadergisi.com.tr)
9. KONA, Gamze (2003). “Saklı Coğrafyadaki Humeyni’siz Devlet: Orta Asya ve İran”. (“Iran in the Middle East without Homeyni”), M5 Avrasya Savunma ve Strateji, March 2003, no. 117, pp. 44-45, İstanbul.
10.KONA, Gamze (2003). “Orta Asya’da Yükselen Radikal İslamın Nedenleri” (“The Reasons of Increasing Radical Islam in the Middle East”). (Special Report) M5 Avrasya Savunma ve Strateji, February 2003, no. 116, pp. 76-80, İstanbul.
11.KONA, Gamze (2002). “ABD – Rusya Stratejik Yakınlaşmasının Türkiye’ye Etkileri” (“The Effect of USA-Russian Federation Close Strategic Relations on Turkey”). (Special Report) M5 Avrasya Savunma ve Strateji, July-August 2002, no. 110, pp. 89-94, İstanbul.
12. KONA, Gamze (2002). “Türkiye-Rusya Federasyonu ve Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri Ekonomik İlişkileri ve Olası Siyasi Yansımaları” (“Turkey-Russian Federation and Central Asian Republics Multı-lateral Relations and Probale Political Reflections”). (Special Report) M5 Avrasya Savunma ve Strateji, May 2002/05, no. 108, pp. 65-70, İstanbul.
13.KONA, Gamze (2001). “Türkiye Üzerine Senaryolar” (“Future Political Projections on Turkey”). M5 Avrasya Savunma ve Strateji, November 2001, no. 102, pp. 29-30, Istanbul.
14.KONA, Gamze (2001). “Rusya Federasyonu’nun Orta Asya Stratejisi” (“Central Asian Policy of Russian Federation”). M5 Avrasya Savunma ve Strateji, July-August 2001, no. 99, pp. 39 – 41, İstanbul. 
15. KONA, Gamze (1995). “Üniversitelerimizde Yüksek Lisans Eğitiminin Durumu” (“Post-graduate Education in Turkish Universities”). Tiryaki, September 1995, no. 14, pp. 17-20, İstanbul.
16. KONA, Gamze (1995). “Avrupa Ortaklığına Bir Kala Kadının Türkiye’deki Durumu” (“Women’s Status in Turkey Before UE Full Membership”). Tiryaki, July/August 1995, no. 12/13, pp. 22-23, İstanbul.
17. KONA, Gamze (1995). “Postmodernizm Açısından Kara Kitap” (“Kara Kitap by Orhan Pamuk in terms of Post-modernism”). Tiryaki, March/April 1995, no.8/9, p.41, İstanbul.
18. KONA, Gamze (1996). “Laiklik ve İslamiyet” (“Laicism and Islam”). Kadın Kimliği, February 1996, no.11, pp.14-16, İstanbul.
19. KONA, Gamze (1995). “Kadın Nüfusun Eğitimine Genel Bir Bakış” (“A General Overwiew on Women’s Education in Turkey”). Kadın Kimliği, September 1995, pp. 22- 25, İstanbul.
20. KONA, Gamze (1995). “Gümrük Birliği ve Türkiye” (“Customs Union and Turkey”). Kadın Kimliği, May 1995, p. 34, İstanbul.  
Reports Published (National) :
1. KONA, Gamze (2006). Marmara Grubu Vakfı  9. Avrasya Ekonomi Zirvesi (Marmara Foundation 9th Eurasian Economy Summit), “National and International Security” session, 10.00-17.00, May 10, 2006.
2. KONA, Gamze (2005). Orta Doğu ve Türkiye Sempozyumu (The Middle East and Turkey). Symposium, organized by Atase – Sarem (Turkish General Staff – Center For Strategic Studies), December, 2005, Ankara.
3. KONA, Gamze (2005). Marmara Grubu Vakfı 8. Avrasya Ekonomi Zirvesi (Marmara Foundation 8th Eurasian Economy Summit), “Energy” Session 14.00-18.00, July 5, 2005. “Women in Media” Second Session, 11.00-12.30, July, 7, 2005.

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